Friday, August 17, 2007


Well,we did it! We ventured out on the real highway for the first time since we arrived. As you know Dan went to Ft.Worth for his reserves last weekend and flew back late Sunday night/early Monday morning. Just after midnight actually. Well, we had previously decided that Dan would just hang out at the USO at LAX until the first Metro Monday morning since we weren't really sure about the highways and how far it was and that it was so late. But after looking up how to get there, and knowing that it should not be to busy on a late Sunday night, I decided to surprise him! It was actually a pretty easy trip and it took between 35-40 minutes or so. The only real difficulty was when we actually got to the airport and had to figure out where to go and where to park. The airport was extremely busy for 1130PM. Anyway, I'm sure that if we went in the light of day that things would be rather different timewise and trafficwise but for my first attempt it was good! We found Dan ok, and then he drove back.

The kids started school yesterday and everything went smoothly. The teachers seem nice and they said they liked them, and I met the principal as well and she was very inviting as well. Right now, I have a pretty good impression of the school so hopefully my first impression will be correct.

We are going to head over to the naval base again this weekend to do some shopping and see a movie (Evan Almighty) and maybe get some chick fil A! It'll be a fun time.
I guess at some point we will have to try another beach. Hopefully it won't be as cold next time. The temps here in the valley have been over 100 all week! (104,103)

Dan's job seems to still be going well. He keeps very busy. The boss took vacation to Oahu, HI this week! Lucky him. We sure hope to take some time to get over there while we are here. We all really want to do that. Visit some old haunts.

The kids and I visited Northpark community chuch again, and all went well. I am going to a women's social this evening and the kids may start AWANA on Wednesdays starting in September. I haven't signed them up yet, but plan to on Sunday. I will also volunteer for this program as well. It is a big committment, since it runs the whole school year!

Well, that's all for now.


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